Newbies still doubt if Online Shopping sites like eBay are completely safe when it come sot payment! In our earlier posts, we have mentioned some of the most popular and safe Online Shopping Malls. For eg:-eBay, Amazon, Flipkart etc. But, today I'll talk about eBay(IN)'s unique method of accepting the payment[s] from customers each time they buy something.
Okay, then! eBay's unique system of accepting payments is what it calls 'PaisaPay.' PaisaPay is nothing like PayPal and you cannot Sign up for an account there. Let me explain what this is. Each time you make a purchase online via eBay, you are asked to make the payment(using your Credit Card). But, your payment doesn't reach the seller directly. Instead, the money goes directly to PaisaPay! Confused? Don't be! The Money from PaisaPay gets transferred to the Seller's account only after the Shipped item reaches the Customer.
Altogether, this system ensures no-fraud from the Seller's side which results in 100% Customer Satisfaction. With this system running as the Principle of eBay, you can always be sure of the Best Service. Also, check our Online Shopping guide here.

Altogether, this system ensures no-fraud from the Seller's side which results in 100% Customer Satisfaction. With this system running as the Principle of eBay, you can always be sure of the Best Service. Also, check our Online Shopping guide here.
Post by vistatech
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